From the Mind of an Anonymous, Top 0.1% OnlyFans Creator, Elite Sex Worker, Professional NYC Fashion Model, and Budding Investor...

Discover the secrets used by Top Adult content creators to skyrocket from the bottom 20% to the Top 1%.
And in 6 months or less.

These tried and tested methods have been used by PhD Geneticists, Hollywood actors, and A-list pornstars alike...

Without paying for scammy promotions or signing to parasitic management agencies.


From the Mind of an Anonymous, Elite Sex Worker, Top 0.1% OnlyFans Creator, Professional NYC Fashion Model, and Budding Investor...

Discover the secrets used by top earning sex workers to efficiently grow their income to 6 & 7 figures.
Direct to your inbox, every month.

These tried and tested methods have been used by PhD Geneticists, Hollywood actors, and A-list pornstars alike...

Without paying for scammy promotions or signing to parasitic management agencies.

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Ready to receive highly coveted guidance direct from my desk to yours?

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Looking for adult content tips instead? Tap or click here to find my suite of guides.


From the Mind of an Anonymous, Top 0.1% OnlyFans Creator, Professional NYC Fashion Model, and Budding Angel Investor...

Discover the secrets used by Top Adult content creators to skyrocket from the bottom 20% to the Top 1%.
And in 6 months or less.

These tried and tested methods have been used by PhD Geneticists, Hollywood actors, and A-list pornstars alike...

Without paying for scammy promotions or signing to parasitic management agencies.

I'll soon be launching a private report for the elite models. Those on my list will get first dibs and other goodies. Signup below.

* Sept 2021 Update: My guides apply to ALL new platforms if you're moving away from OnlyFans. I teach principles, not tactics.*

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From the Mind of an Anonymous, Top 0.1% OnlyFans Creator, Professional NYC Fashion Model, and Budding Angel Investor...

Discover the secrets used by Top Adult content creators to skyrocket from the bottom 20% to the Top 1%.
And in 6 months or less.

These tried and tested methods have been used by PhD Geneticists, Hollywood actors, and A-list pornstars alike...

Without paying for scammy promotions or signing to parasitic management agencies.

Ever seen these tweets on Twitter?

The ones with models buying houses, cars, making 6 figures...All thanks to OnlyFans?I bet you have.👇

And you wonder to yourself...Can I do that too?So you made an OnlyFans account, started promoting......then you probably run into these common obstacles.Uncertainty (Where do you start? Is it possible? Will you be able to do it?)Initial Resistance (Unskilled? Beginner’s mistakes killing your progress?)Fear and Doubt (Fear of risk? Self-doubt? Worried about messing up?)And you're not alone.In fact...Resistance and obstacles are unavoidable.But...What can you do to smooth the path?The same thing people have always done.You find a good teacher.

My name is Rose.

And I have over 7 years of experience in the fashion modelling and SW industries in NYC, LA, and Miami.I’ve gotten countless messages from junior models about OnlyFans, and quarantine let me finally write this guide for everyone hopping on the OnlyFans craze.[Note: I keep my identity separate from this. My fashion contracts allow me to start side ventures, granted they’re not under my full name. However, you’ve probably seen me on billboards in major cities. And no, I’m not Megan, I just look quite similar… let’s keep that between us. ;) ]

(This screenshot is from earlier in 2020... before my attorney told me it would be dangerous to show how much I make now, for privacy purposes...)In my first month on OnlyFans last year, I made over $27,900. And it’s not that hard. In fact, I’d go so far to say it’s EASY......if you have someone to guide you in the right direction.

And that’s exactly where 6 Figure OnlyFans comes in.

You’ll learn what works (and what deadly pitfalls to avoid) from my field-tested experience.It simply takes a few ‘tricks’ and raw knowledge only acquired in two ways:1. Working in the industry for months, if not years (like me), or...2. Directly learning the exact actions to take from an experienced gal who knows what it takes to be a Top 1% Model.Well, if the second method sounds sparkly to you...You’re in the right place.This is a no-fluff guide. Zero filler info. Zero pointless rambling.No beating around the bush (pun intended).The info in here is worth over half a million dollars.Why?That’s a portion of how much this knowledge has made me since I joined OnlyFans.And while that might not change my lifestyle (as a professional model with major fashion contracts)...It certainly will change yours.OK, OK, Rose, so what will it look like?Fair enough.

Welcome to... 6 Figure OnlyFans

Here's what you'll find inside (Worth $97)

  • Little-known fan psychology that turns $5 fans into $500 fans

  • The profile ‘tricks’ that all Top 1% models follow

  • Why certain pricing mistakes you make are destroying your fanbase

  • How to pump out 100’s of pieces of content without crashing

  • Common social media ‘hacks’ that are killing your content

  • Copy and paste my exact messages that have generated me $500k+

  • Swipe my personal sub CRM (customer relationship management) Template

  • Pages upon pages of tips to rocket you to the Top 1%

AND... for a limited time (yes, I’m removing it soon), I’m including this bonus section:

  • Common mistakes to avoid and protect your privacy

  • Exact 4 cybersecurity apps I use daily

  • How to keep weirdos, trolls, and ‘doxers’ out with ease

  • The exact messages to send to avoid legal trouble before it starts

Plus... a FREE Twitter Mini Guide (Worth $37)

For a limited time (it'll soon have it’s own page - with a price)...You'll receive my signature Twitter Mini Guide, where you'll learn:

  • Why your regular tweets seem to get zero engagement

  • The exact timing I use to tweet for maximum reach

  • What the top Twitter models do that makes them blow up

  • How to avoid shadowbans and fix them if you’re in one

  • And more...

Value of the guide: $134

Average Is The Enemy

You know what you deserve.I know what you deserve.We both know that your body and skills are a beautiful work of art.And what better way to empower yourself than growing a massive loving fanbase and making a comfortable lifestyle at the same time?This seems like a simple enough phase, but there’s much more meaning wrapped up in it than you may realize on first glance:Most models don’t do uncommon things. (They try to fit in with the rest)Few models will know the tricks to the OnlyFans trade.Even fewer will actually leverage those tricks into creating the lifestyle of their dreams.Excuses and justifications are common.That’s why I built this course for you.You deserve to hold the keys to your own life, and to have the confidence that you can create positive momentum.When fear and doubt and weighing heavy...When uncertainty and risk are overwhelming...When you can’t see a way out of trouble...And when you don’t even know where to turn for the answers...Then life can seem harsh and unfair.You don’t have to feel like that anymore.You can turn your modelling career around.

You can earn 1000’s of extra dollars every month.

You can start today.You can start right now.If you want to take skyrocket your OnlyFans and reach the Top 1%,You can.If you want to learn the complete and easy-to-follow tricks to add money to your wallet in a hurry,You can.You hold the pen, you write your own destiny and today begins a new chapter.The chapter is titled:The Top 1%It’s a killer story, full of inspiration and triumph, and it belongs to you.

**Let me help you write it. **Let me help you avoid the potholes and roadblocks.Let me guide your way.

Now, before I head out, who is this guide NOT for?

✖️ Models who are OK with making ‘meh’ money✖️ Models who aren’t sure if the platform is right for them✖️ Models who aren’t dedicated to putting the work into growing their fanbase✖️ Lazy models who want all the ‘dough’ but none of the work that goes into it

But who IS this guide for?

✔️ Newbie models who’ve just signed up and want to fast-track** from $0 to $10,000 per month**✔️ Intermediate models who make steady cash... but can’t seem to break that 6-figure barrier✔️ Busy models with other jobs and limited time to learn the tricks of the trade✔️ Models dedicated to OnlyFans and aspiring to hit the coveted Top 1% of the platform… and the money that comes with it

If any of those sounds like you...Then times a-ticking, because I won’t keep the guide at this price forever.I only want this information in the hands of a select few elite models **(you) **fast-tracking their fanbase to the Top 1%.So… at some point that $57 price tag will quietly bump up.It allows me to weed out those un-dedicated to growing.Again, I don’t need this money.I make comfortable sums from my modelling contracts.But I’ve always loved taking knowledge out of the elite’s hands and into the hands **of beautiful models on the come-up. **You.So if you’re ready to hit the top 1% and make the cash of your dreams…Press the ‘I want this!’ button.And secure your copy of 6 Figure OnlyFans Guide now.

Investment for today only: $134 $57

Success by the numbers


Earned by models




Subs created

Follow in their path...

Now, you might be thinking ‘this only works for A-list model looking womenFirst off - you’re all beautiful.Two... I have personally seen every size, shape, and color of woman (and man) succeed on OnlyFans.Any niche, any kink, anything you can possibly image has its place.

My students have been featured in major news outlets, such as Julian, who was featured in the HuffPost...

And featured by OnlyFans themselves...

In 2.5 months Julian was able to go from Top 7.5% to Top 0.64%!

And while that's quite a leap...It's not that unheard of...I've even had multiple students pursuing PhDs, like this beautiful gal...

Among MANY others...

(And this is just a sliver of them all)...

The Top 1% awaits you

Why do I create these guides?I remember what it was like to start OnlyFans...Not knowing a single thing...Grinding out promos...Wishing someone would teach me...I write these guides so you don't have to go through that.I love teaching.In fact, one of the careers I considered was teaching.But much to my chagrin...I lack the* time* to teach everyone, all at once, and answer the 100's of questions I get per day.So...Lucky for you, I made** 6 Figure OnlyFans.**

And all you really need on OnlyFans to make a full-time income?100 true fans.That’s all you need.100.Nothing more, nothing less.If you want to wake up to messages like these...

And see this at the top of your page...

Don't hesitate.Simply click "I want this!" below.

Questions I get often:

**Can I see your OnlyFans? **No, it would violate exclusivity contracts to link my side venture to my identity. Don’t ask again.**Why should I invest in this if you won’t show your page? **You’re under no obligation to invest in your success. Take a look at the testimonials. My methods work, period.**Why are you anonymous? **Frankly, I was tired of my 'model stigma', and people telling me my advice only works for famous people, so I went 'undercover' to prove my tactics work for newbies and veterans alike.Why did you start this venture?My Twitter page started out as just me tweeting tips. It wasn't until recently that people kept asking me for a full guide so I put one together... and many more.

You already have everything you need to start.

Are you ready to upgrade your life and make the cash of your dreams?